Sunday, February 20, 2022

Today was an unintentional gardening day. Last week, I brought a bunch of gardening items out of winter storage to start organizing for spring. It was not supposed to include the dahlia bulbs. So imagine my surprise when I saw them sprouting out of their winter bags on my nice sunny, warm table. Talk about waking them up early; there’s still about 12-18 inches of snow outside still! I squished them into eight gallon pots and covered them in potting soil. Hopefully that will keep them happy until May. Since I had the soil open, I got a head start on planting some seeds too. Broccoli, peppers, echinacea and four types of tomatoes filled nine seedling greenhouses (several hundred seeds). It was a fitting end to the day for my craft project to be completing more garden markers. 

More garden markers. 

Sprouting dahlia bulbs.

9 seedling green houses & 8 pots of dahlias.

Oh hail, yeah! Wild weather!


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